

Ukulele Page

Ukulele's have become a bit of an obsession around here. What started as a hunt for uke to use as a canvas to paint on turned into a love affair with the tiny instrument. I found a suitable and cheap ukulele, but before I got it home I found I kept plinking the strings and fell for it. I never did paint it. I just kept playing it. After searching the web I discovered Jake Shimabukuro, IZ, Britni Paiva, Taimani Gardner, Dominator, Aldrine Guerrero, Ukulele Underground, YouTube - I was hooked and inspired. My Ukulele playing isn't the greatest compared to these people, but it sure is fun.

The search continued for Ukuleles and information and I discovered Kapono Ukuleles. Made right here in New Zealand from Hawaiian Koa wood, hand crafted by John Hewitt and his team at Hewitt's Fiddle Shop. To cut a long story short, I ended up doing their custom work. Artwork and Inlays in paua and pearl. I also make some of the components for their ukes and lap steel guitars.

This is my own Kapono Concert ukulele. While hard to see in the photograph there are flames ghosted onto the top so they didn't overpower the beautiful woodgrain in this instrument. I have also fitted a preamp pickup into the uke.

Paua and pearl shell inlays in headstocks and ukulele tops as weel as a bit of airbrush work.


Email: terry@flamingtiki.com
Phone: 64 (09) 483 6145   Mobile: 027 2947 327
a division of Colour Workshop Ltd
PO Box 34 535, Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand