Ukulele Page Ukulele's have become a bit of an obsession around here. What started as a hunt for uke to use as a canvas to paint on turned into a love affair with the tiny instrument. I found a suitable and cheap ukulele, but before I got it home I found I kept plinking the strings and fell for it. I never did paint it. I just kept playing it. After searching the web I discovered Jake Shimabukuro, IZ, Britni Paiva, Taimani Gardner, Dominator, Aldrine Guerrero, Ukulele Underground, YouTube - I was hooked and inspired. My Ukulele playing isn't the greatest compared to these people, but it sure is fun. The search continued for Ukuleles and information and I discovered Kapono Ukuleles. Made right here in New Zealand from Hawaiian Koa wood, hand crafted by John Hewitt and his team at Hewitt's Fiddle Shop. To cut a long story short, I ended up doing their custom work. Artwork and Inlays in paua and pearl. I also make some of the components for their ukes and lap steel guitars.